Friday, 1 September 2017

Optimisation in 3D Modelling

Luke Ahearn prioritises optimisation throughout the pipeline he follows. His book: '3D Game Environments' focuses on environmental modelling, and ways that he handles optimising these assets and construction in a video game environment throughout his pipeline.

When modelling the geometry of assets and environment, he constantly considers the poly count, and aims to keep it as low as possible. This includes things like, deleting backfaces that wont be seen, common XView Checks and elaborates on Level of Detail (LOD) that handles scaling down the detail with distance.

In terms of texturing, a lot of detail is faked using Normal maps, or baking the high poly mesh and making a normal map. Texture Atlases are generally used to conserve the strain on the engine, but he makes a note that a lot of modern industries are moving away from this method. (Ahearn , 2008 pg. 6)

Castillo and Novak go over the process from the perspective of a level designer, and, I feel, present a very quick, and modular process when compared to Ahearn's process. (Castillo and Novak, 2008 Pg.195) He recommends breaking models up to ensure they are as optimal as possible. So this is a method worth researching, and comparing how watertight assets compare to the methods of modular construction. 

I also face limitations in the performance of the technology I am using throughout this project, and so have conducted tests to determine the capabilities of the software available to me, both in the University, and using personal computers.

3D Studio Max sees the decreased performance when the poly count begins to reach 200k. This is without effects and lighting. With these added, rendering time increases, but the same rig and effects, I have found run more optimally in Game engines. This probably because that is what they're designed for, but I also tested these.

Game Engines vary depending on a number of assets in scenes, and effects, such as lighting, and particle systems. 

Unreal Engine 4 provides documentation on this topic, placing importance on poly count reaching over 300 polys, and limiting the amount of elements per object. In terms of texturing, materials that use alpha masks process slower than opaque materials, and the higher the resolution of these, the more it can impact performance of the game. (Unreal Engine 4 Docs 2017)

Current Goals
My next step is to research Environmental Artist Jobs, and compare these optimisation methods to any requirements that they list. In doing this, I hope to give myself realistic constraints to work by, and follow a professional workflow.

Ahearn, L. (2008). 3d game environments. Boca Raton: Crc Press.
Unreal Engine 4 Documentation (2017). Performance Guidelines for Artists and Designers. [online]Available at: [Accessed 1 Sep. 2017].

Castillo, T. and Novak, J. (2008). Game development essentials. New York: Delmar.

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