Tuesday, 19 December 2017


Having received my feedback on my Project proposal, I have had to change some elements of my milestones, though there aren't any major setbacks.

Firstly, I may need to reconsider my final artifact, which I had felt may be over-scoped. Whereas my final artifact idea makes use of the hard surface modelling techniques, there is very little room for any organic modelling, which is cited as a requirement in a lot of job advertisements and so I would like to display this in my portfolio.

My feedback details a process I had not documented, using re topology tools and so I plan to use an asset I have previously modelled to take it through this pipeline as suggested. Any models used in the tests can be documented in my portfolio if they are to a high enough standard and, as suggested, could define what the final product would be, and its limitations a bit better.

Although I had considered using high poly sculpting to low poly sculpting, I thought I may be able to bake to a lower poly mesh, but had not accounted for any new geometry said sculpting creates, so this is a valuable method to be reiterating.

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