Thursday, 2 November 2017

Update on Concepts and Level Design

Originally I wanted to outsource any level design so that I didn't have to spend necessary time on planning and greyboxing a level.

While I have been able to find different concept art that would benefit my project, I was unable to find any premade levels. However, I was able to find a lot of pre-prepared level maps that I could use use and change to fit with my desired scope and still keep in mind my stretch goal.

Using an existing layout of a city block, I was able to block out the geometry of the level using Unreal Engine 4 and while it is an extremely large project, it allowed me to tweak specific sections and view them 'in-game' 

The biggest problem I face with using real-world maps and measurements is that, when viewed from either a third person person perspective, or first person perspective, the scale appears too small. This was a problem highlighted by Luke Ahearn in 3D Game Environments, where he makes reference to how racing games intentionally use massively wide roads to combat the limitation of racing in a two lane road.

In terms of concepts, I have gathered a variety of photo references, which I hope to reproduce using textures and modular construction and combining the two methods into a hybrid of modular assets and modular textures.
City layout taken from Akihabara. Overall, it is a lot to individually 3D Model, but may be possible as a stretch goal, using modular assets.

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